Amy just minutes before the ceremony.

The ring bearer lying low...

Grandma at her post, guarding the center doors.

Friends and family gather as witnesses.

The rings...

Dashing up the stairs, the bride and groom rush to grab a few more pictures.

This day marks the beginning of an exhilirating and adventurous life together and deserves to be celebrated!

A father's last dance with his daughter.

DD in a hula skirt...let the party begin!

These college students are not only celebrating the union of a couple in love, but the victory of surviving another long, hard semester.

Where there is a new beginning there must always first be an end. Amy's father holds her close before finally letting her go... a bittersweet goodbye.

Amy and Dan are not only off to their honeymoon, but to their new home: Virginia. Thank you Amy and Dan for letting me be a part of your wedding story. You will be greatly missed!
View or purchase photos from Amy & Dan's wedding online. (The Client Login Password is the couple's last name).