Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Ask. Believe. Dream. These three words have been impressed on my heart regarding my travels this summer to Uganda. Yesterday, I spent an hour at the post office applying for my first passport. Yes, I am finally leaving the country! I remember in high school writing my speech on what I wanted to be when I grew up. I delivered it with confidence that I would someday be a missionary. It was during my high school years that God put the nations on my heart.

What I wanted to be has changed over the years. For awhile, I wondered why you had to be anything. For several years I just wanted to be a stay-at-home mom (which still doesn't sound too bad). I went to college not because I knew it would prepare me for a career, but because I never considered not going. I didn't know what to study, so I decided to pick my favorite subject from high school - art. It was the only class I really enjoyed. I always thought I was studying fine art for myself. I didn't think I would ever really use it. Little did I know, God had other plans.

After graduating with my Bachelors of Fine Art, God lured me to Portland, Oregon with the only bait he knew I would swallow. It was here, at Portland Bible College that I fell in love with Jesus all over again. Laying my art, my goals, and all relationships down, I fervently studied Theology and the Bible and just let God work on my heart. It has been a time of healing, preparation, growth, and life change.

Now, after 6 1/2 years of college, God is blending together my passions, gifts, and dreams. God has opened doors for me to be able to do what I love full time taking photographs of people, weddings, and life. What is really cool is how God is beginning to blend my passions - photography and missions. It is a dream of mine to travel all over the world telling other's stories through pictures; using my camera as a tool to convey a message - to be a voice. It is so crazy, because this is what I was doing when I was studying fine art, and now after Bible college, I get to do it again, but this time with more clarity and purpose.

An opportunity has risen for me to go to Kampala, Uganda with a team from my church July 14-30. I am extremely excited to minister to the Ugandan Church and the people. There are so many things we will be doing while in Kampala. We will be dedicating the church there who happens to be led by PBC alumni, Pastor Wilfred, who is a missionary our church supports. We will also be putting on a graduation ceremony for all the pastors who have been in training, conducting a women's conference, a pastor's conference, and what I am most excited about, going to the local orphanages, Dr. Tomale’s hospital, putting on a kid's festival, and doing lots of street evangelism. Needless to say, we will be busy the entire time. I can't wait to minister to the people of Uganda’s hearts bringing healing, hope, and encouragement. I want to cry with them, rejoice with them, and worship with them. I want to teach, to preach, and to serve. I expect to see miracles, signs, and wonders, transformation, life change, confirmation, encouragement, healing, and dreams realized. I hope to bring back photographs documenting their lives, telling their story, and testifying to God's surpassing greatness.

When I was speaking in high school about being a missionary, I didn't really know all it entails, but I was speaking from my heart. Now with the proper tools in hand, a camera in one, and my Bible in the other, I feel like I am prepared, equipped, Spirit-led, and ready to conquer the world. I believe Uganda is just the beginning of the many places God will take me.

Some may ask: What difference can you make in just a few weeks? I can testify that if we are willing, God is able. He is in the business of changing lives. A friend of mine just got back from India, every single person she prayed for received healing. She was preaching to crowds in the market place, praying for the sick in the slums…it was Acts being lived out today. God already knows what He is going to do, we just have to trust Him and report for duty. What is really cool is that God wants to change our lives too. For never having left the country, I know Uganda will be eye-opening, but what I am praying and you can too is that God will begin to open my eyes now so that I can be receptive to what He wants me to say and do.

There are many ways you can get involved. One way to support Uganda is through intercession and prayer. Please commit to praying for the people of Uganda and for our team. This trip cannot happen and will not be successful without it.

Another way to support this mission is by giving financially. The cost for the trip alone is $3000-$3500. This includes airfare, transportation, food, and lodging. $2,500 is needed immediately to purchase airline tickets. The remainder is needed by May 1st. All contributions are tax deductible. In the event my individual expenses are over-supported or for some reason I cannot participate, your gift will be used to help other team members of Uganda Storm. Please consider participating in this mission. If you are interested please contact me and I can send you a form. I would also love to hear from those who will be praying for me over the next few months.

Click here for more information about the country or here to view a map.

I can't wait to share my photographs on here from the trip. Keep posted for updates!


Anonymous said...

I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE COMING!!!!! it's going to pretty much be so amazing!

Kels :) said...

Kristen! What an exciting opportunity, friend!!! Wow-- God is good. :)

I would love to be able to support you-- feel free to send some info my way & keep me updated on how I can pray!!!


Anonymous said...

I love to read stories of people that God blends their passions together to accomplish his purposes. I'm excited to see what God does!

Unknown said...

I am a Ugandan now living in the US. I am looking forward to reading your experiences in kampala. I grow up in Jinja.