Saturday, December 02, 2006

Solid Rock Ranch

A brilliant red barn, friendly horses, miles of fencing, gigantic tractor tires, huge round bales of hay and a country home all sit on what this family knows as Solid Rock Ranch. Where one family lives training horses and farming the land, others begin arriving one by one to celebrate what they are thankful for most - family. Thanksgiving Day is the perfect opportunity for family pictures. What makes it even better is when it is part of your own. My sister and her husband's family asked me to come take photographs when I was home in Kansas. Here are some of my favorites from the day.

How most of us remember our childhood - either laughing or fighting with our best friends - our sisters.

Coming all the way from Nebraska, its so nice to be where you will always know as home.

It is not often the whole family is together in one place.

My sister and her family.

I love my nephew's style. He's totally working the shot.

Grandma made poodle skirts for all the girls. They made perfect "pink ladies".

Thanksgiving was not all they celebrated, but also cousin Julia's birthday. Holidays are often the only time people can get together. Grandma made her special birthday treats.

Thank you for letting me come out to the ranch. It's always nice to get out of the city and be reminded why I love coming home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kristen- What a nice surprise to get on your site and find what you had done with our pics, I almost cried. Thank you so much for all you did that day, I'm very proud of all the pics and will treasure them.Your site is very neat, you really have a special talent for photography. M.A.