Tall, unfinished ceilings, red brick walls, huge wood-frame windows filling the room with soft, natural light, white chairs that seem to float like giant snowballs above the weathered hardwood floors, ecclectic music humming, and underwater sea animals swimming on the huge LCD screen above the colorful rug where toddlers have their very own space to crawl and play -- sydney's is not your average coffee shop! sydney's is warm and inviting: a friendly community that pours their heart into every cup and saucer. This is why I was so excited when asked to photograph the cafe.
Located at 1800 NW 16th avenue, on the edge of the Pearl, in Portland's alphabet blocks, sydney's has become a haven for business professionals, college students, mothers and their children, artists, musicians, and people of all ages. It is a place people can come to relax, laugh with friends, read a good book, surf the internet, or get away from the office to get some work done.
Here are some of my favorites from the shoot:

Did I mention that sydney's was voted best cupcake in portland?

They also serve delectable breakfast sandwiches.

Aesthetic and conceptual in design, sydney's is also a great venue for local artists to display their work and for musicians to perform.

The cookie jar on the counter is a big hit with everyone!

Making children...


and people of all ages feel right at home.

"Tell me something good!," how Tim Cox, owner of sydney's, begins every conversation and religiously ends it with " What else can I do for you?" A positive, encouraging mild-mannered man, Tim has put thought into every decision made at sydney's to make sure everyone who walks in the door has a positive experience and feels like part of a community. Be sure to tell him "hi" next time you visit!
The image of the little girl and the cup is mesmerizing. I just can't stop looking at it. Beautiful image. The cupcakes look fantastic and the food images are really making me hungry. I wish I hadn't seen them because it makes me less productive. All I can think about is lunch. :)
Great images Kristen! You're really starting to realize your vision as an artist. It's great to see the growth in your work.
your images are amazing! I love them. I fear that you're going to take off and leave our little "vision" behind and you will be sorely missed. Great job!
Thank you Randy and Tammy for taking time to encourage me and leave a comment. Comments inspire me to post more! I should have another blog up shortly. Comments are always welcome! See you tomorrow:)
Great story telling with images. Your on to something great here! Keep working at it!
Thanks Ted! Maybe I can be one of your subjects?... when I become great, that is. I really like the artist portraits you do:)
Don't limit your vision by resources. Allow your vision to carry you. There are endless methods to persecute your ideas. I would like to see your artist project on gallery or cafe walls. How about a show...I know the perfect place!
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