Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Graduation is not the end - it is the beginning. It is a chance to do something remarkable. To make a difference. To be a voice. It is the freedom to begin touching dreams and making them a reality. It is the start of a new journey that will be filled with life lessons, responsibilities and character building, but will ultimately result in opportunity, success, and value. There is no destination. No arrival. It isn't the piece of paper or the job title that allows you to quit learning or quit striving. It is not a point but a line that has no ending. As you achieve your goals, experience milestones, and continue to grow, you will keep picking up the line and moving it a little further, adding another brick, building it a little bigger. As you do this you are broadening and expanding your dreams. Someone once said, "Out-dream, out-work, and out-love everybody." I believe this is the key to success.

Miranda, a senior at Rex Putnam High School is an incredibly powerful force that will not only climb a mountain but move them too.

Here are some of my favorites from our shoot:

To view more images in an online gallery click HERE.

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