Thursday, November 06, 2008

Paxton Lee

Born on May 20th at 9:12 am, a miracle happened. A child was born. Not just any child, but my nephew. Weighing in at 6 llbs and 10 oz., his little hands and feet were so tiny.

But look at him now! Now giggling, kicking, and pushing himself up, Paxton sure is growing! Putting on his serious face for the camera, Paxton's sweet demeanor and joyful spirit will soften one's heart and make anyone wish they could carry him home.

Here are some of my favorites from our recent shoot:

Despite the potty and the throw up TWO times on my dryclean only clothes, Paxton I adore you and always will. I would take spit up any day if it means time spent with you:)

To view more images in an online gallery click HERE.

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