The next morning, as soon as we arrived to the church, there were about twenty-five children eagerly waiting to participate in the day's event.

Up until the last minute, they continued to arrive by the handfuls...

Welcomed by our clowns with huge smiles, high-fives, and hugs, each child was greeted with love and given a colorful bag to contain all of their prizes...

The carnival booths were very simple and can easily be repeated with little effort and very few supplies. The children enjoyed games like the football throw and the ring-toss...


...our version of needle in a haystack - lollipops in a tub of beans

...a potato-sack race

...the fish pond

and many more games including water balloons, a candy walk, and balloon creations.
The children were very curious of my camera and loved posing for a picture.

There were also many adults who came and joined in the festivities too.

We had so much fun it was so hard to say good-bye!

One last photo of our amazing team!

Thank you so much to all who were praying back home and to everyone who worked hard to make this event a success! An unexpected 600+ from the community came to participate making it a huge hit!
View all of the images from the children's event here.
Your picture taking is remarkable. You truly capture the moment, expressing story without words.
you are amazing what you do!
Daily reader here checking in on the latest. These kids look happy were they?
The kids were ecstatic. They are not given any special attention. Having a carnival just for them in their honor, playing games, having their faces painted and winning prizes for many of them is a first. It was so much fun to watch their faces light up when they hit the target and how they would concentrate so hard when competing in relays. It was a blast!
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